Money, or Life? Review of a book on freedom at work


Peníze, nebo život? - Jak přestat vydělávat na život a začít i v práci žít?” ("Money, or Life? - How to stop earning for living and start to living at work?"). That is the title of a new book by Tomáš Hajzler, the founder of PeopleComm and a promoter of the so-called free companies. A "free company" stands on the foundation of freedom at work on all levels of the organization - when a company gives employees the confidence and freedom to do what they like, it will be more efficient and more successful.

"It's a book about how to extricate yourself from the trap of the rat race and make your living by doing what you love. In the book, you will encounter countless stories, metaphors and also examples of real people who are able to make their living fairly by doing what are the best at and what they really enjoy," says Tomáš Hajzler on his website.

An interesting review of  Money, or Life? was published by Michal Kašpárek on where he refers the book to a "psychedelic trip". You can read the review here:

What do you think about the concept of free companies? Can it really work in practice?


Article source - Czehc financial magazine
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