Internal communication starts with listening


Relevance, clarity and respect. These are three basic prerequisites of a successful message transmission according to This also applies to preparing an internal communication plan when you should take the following steps:

Listen carefully

You should listen before you communicate with employees but also when you communicate with them and after you stops communicating with them. Careful listening will arrange two things for you - important new information and respect of the listeners. However, you need to behave according to what you hear.

Communicate clearly

Tell employees clearly what you expect of them. Avoid long and complicated sentences or incomprehensible words. The simpler your message is, the better.

Do not hide bad news

You would only lose your employees' confidence and contribute to the spread of rumors that way. It is very difficult to win the lost confidence of employees back.

Communicate timely

If employees learn corporate news in the newspapers or on the Internet before you tell them anything, it's wrong.

Provide relevant information

Depart from what you know your people are interested in. If you do not know what it is, go back to the point number 1.

Tell stories

People align the best with the experience of other people. It's certainly better than writing promotional articles about the company.

Remember that communication is a process

When preparing a communication plan, keep in mind that employees need access to relevant information and you should be ready to respond to their suggestions at every stage of the communication process.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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