Are you asking the right questions?


Do you have problems with hiring exceptional talents? The cause may be your traditional recruitment process which is not designed to actually address such candidates. Sample answers to traditional questions are, moreover, easy to find on the Internet and so the performance of the interviewed candidates often reveal more about their acting skills than their actual qualification for the job. Instead of dwelling upon the past, you should therefore involve solutions to real problems in your recruitment process and give job seekers the opportunity to show what they want to achieve in the future.

That is at least claimed by John Sullivan, world-renowned consultant in the field of HR and current professor of management at San Francisco State University. In his article on, he presented 12 questions to help you  reveal the best candidates during your job interviews.

I. Questions focused on solving real problems

1. How would you describe problems and opportunities of the job being offered to you?

2. Can you describe the problems that may arise from this process? (Choose a specific corporate process for the candidate).

3. How would you solve this problem you will have deal with within the job being offered to you? (Choose a specific problem for the candidate).

II. Questions focused on discovering candidates' ability to think ahead

4. Can you predict the future development of the job being offered to you?

5. You can predict the future development of our industry?

III. Questions focused on discovering candidates' ability to innovate and learn

6. How do you want to become a constantly learning expert?

7. How can you adapt to a situation where there is a significant change?

8. How can you innovate? (You should want to hear as specific examples as possible in answers to these questions.)

IV. Questions focused on understanding candidates' personalities

9. Can you write down the factors you will use when deciding whether to accept our job offer and rank them in order of importance?

10. Can you write down the factors that motivate you and rank them in order of importance?

11. What is the most effective approach to managing yourself you would recommend us?

12. Can you write down the factors that led you to ask for a job at our company and rank them in order of importance?


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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