Even an employee who doesn't meet the required performance should leave the appraisal with a clear awareness of how good performance looks like and what should be done. The solution is to show specific examples of the behavior being evaluated - both good and bad ones.
4. Clear objectives are missing
Only words are not enough for an effective performance evaluation. Employees should know clearly what needs to be done. The solution is to define three main activities within each appraisal for an employee to focus on until the next appraisal. They will then be compared with other employees using the same scales.
5. Praise is missing
Traditional performance appraisals which take place once a year often focus only on criticism. Employees are, therefore, aware of their weaknesses but they may not be aware of their strengths. The solution is to find more space to praise and talk with employees about what they are good at.
Article source People Management - UK's leading human resources magazine