Advanced topics to streamline recruitment processes


Do you wish your recruitment practice to be among the best in your market? Are you sure that the methods of hiring in your company are adequate?  Do you even know where and how to attract top candidates from the job market? Hints and tips on this issue were discussed in in a recent John Sullivan's article about advanced topics in recruitment processes.  We have selected then following topics for you ranked according to their potential impact on the business of your company:

1. Get more productive candidates

Productivity of labor force is the primary indicator of talent management. The value of any recruiter is to obtain a candidate who can perform at a higher level than the existing workers in the same position.

2. Prioritize

The orientation of recruitment processes should be focused on the positions with the greatest impact on business and its profits. Cooperation with the Finance Department will provide the necessary credibility to the process.

3. Direct recruitment programs

Energy and resources invested in finding talented, adaptable and innovative individuals is worth it. The impact on business should be almost immediate and measurable.

4. Pursue staff recommendations

Companies like Deloitte or AmTrust recruit up to 50 percent of new personal via staff recommendations and references. This increases the quality of tenders and labor force. Consider also recruiting talented staff  within the company and enable career advancement of proven professionals. This will save you costs.

5. Look forward

Predictive analyzes are much more meaningful than historical data from previous years. HR processes should include indicators warning HR managers about potential problems or opportunities.

6. Confront doubts

Identify and solve possible problems with the finance department. It is important to respond to the dilemma of even the most cynical managers.  Approval of funds is required apart the cost of individual positions. Also consider the  performance differences and the finance impact of HR activities on revenues.

7. Provide statistics, data, analysis

The numbers give managers and recruiters an indication about, what works and what does not. Analyses must also contain job expectation criteria of top candidates and areas where we should seek these professionals.

8. Use mobile platforms

Human resources in companies such as McDonald's, Sodexo or AT&T use the potential of mobile platforms. Each recruitment activity including new job offers is now directly accessible through smart phones.

9. Attract candidates to your brand

HR managers must be able to assess criteria for determining the strengths of the company and its attractiveness to applicants. For example, Google considers data on brand awareness and its own recommendations as the strongest arguments for its candidates.

10. Increase the ability of recruitment processes

The development of Internet and mobile platforms, are increasing the possibilities of recruitment from companies  in other sectors. HR managers have to be prepared for this boom of expanding capacity and ability of the company without adding to your budget.

11. Sell yourself

The economic recovery will bring more opportunities for applicants and more difficulties for companies to keep capable personnel. The recruitment processes must focus primarily on its "sales" aspects and provide hard data.

12. Reconsider your recruitment methods

The overview about applicants provided by the resume, interview and recommendation is no longer enough. Companies such as KPMG are also using new approaches with their existing practices such as online assessment center and simulations of efficiency. Video interviews are also beneficial in the terms of saving costs on transport and shortening the recruiting process.

13. Pay attention to competitive analysis and competitive intelligence

Several elite firms are able to thoroughly analyze their own and competitive recruitment procedures, and to detect potential information generated by social networks. For example, LinkedIn provides comprehensive overview of candidates’ moves in the labor market. Moreover, thanks to profile updates it shows recruiters those candidates who are probably going to change their jobs.

14. Personalize tenders

Targeting the hiring process to applicants enables the employer to acquire highly desirable candidates from the job market. This approach use mainly firms specializing in executive search.

15. Focus on graduates

With the increasing demand for university graduates it is needed to adapt and extend existing recruitment programs. Companies like E&Y, Purina or Deloitte introduced a program of evaluating criteria such as student recommendations, quality of universities and various competitions to identify the best candidates.

You must also deal  with  motivating and further training of your recruiters. Moreover, in these turbulent times it is worth anticipating and creating more short-term strategy involving potential threats. Such plans, among other things help to maintain continuity of HR processes.

There are many relevant topics about this issue. Often the content is more less differentiate by the needs of a single company. More often it is the recruitment leaders secret. Still, any minor changes in personnel management may have a significant impact on your business.

What topics should appear in the HR agenda for your company?


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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