Only a personalized approach will get you the best employees


Most recruiters do not talk to the best candidates on the market because they only talk to those who are willing to react to their offers. They simply do not give the best candidates any reason to be interested in cooperation – they are unable to speak to them at a personal level. So how can you get the interest of candidates with high potential, the so called high potentials? Read the following advice that was published by

1. Be personal

Always communicate to the specific candidate, not to the masses. That same general email for everyone will not work, and the same rule also applies to the first phone call and first meeting. Try to get as much specific information as possible in advance about each candidate you will be speaking to.

2. Get to know the other person first

Do not immediately focus on introducing the position you are offering. Spend the first meeting getting to know the candidate, his/her experience, motivation and career goals.

3. Look for improvement ideas

Regardless of the expert you meet, they will always have something to improve in their field. Ask the candidates about the room for improvement they had with their current employers and what they want to keep improving.

4. Create customized offers

Show the candidates what specifically your company and your clients can offer for their personal career growth.

5. Learn to back off

In some cases you will discover that you cannot offer the best candidates better options than they currently have. Do not try to woo them away at any cost. You would unnecessarily destroy any relationship you may have had in the future.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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