Basic elements of a social intranet


Internal social networks have been emerging increasingly on corporate intranets recently so that employees can communicate and share their knowledge more effectively. The HR Communication website, therefore, pointed to the Socialising the intranet white paper by IGLOO Software which summarized the advantages and basic requirements of a successfully functioning social intranet. What should, therefore, your internal social network meet to make your employees' life more simple and more pleasant?

1. Possibility to contribute for everybody

Every employee regardless of his/her function in the company should be allowed to post on the social intranet.

2. Support for open discussions

Your employees should know that you appreciate all opinions and knowledge. Encourage them to start discussions and add comments.

3. Possibility to evaluate the sense of the content

Give employees the opportunity to mark the posts in which they see or don't see any contributions. They should be able to rate the content at least in terms of like/dislike and sharing with others.

4. Information in profiles

Each employee should fill out his/her profile so that others can clearly see what he/she is doing in the company, what he/she knows and what they can turn to him/her with.

The entire white paper is available for download on this page.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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