How to prepare training for your salespeople


Investing in training your salespeople can be of great benefit to your company but it could also be a waste of time if you don't make clear in advance what you actually want and who should provide it. The website recently looked into this interesting subject and also drew up a list of five steps to ensure that your sales team training is beneficial to them and the company.

1. Choosing a trainer

Think in advance about what type of trainer best suits your current needs. If your salespeople are not lacking in sales skills but you have problems with their morale or you have undergone a significant change, look for a trainer who is a motivational speaker. But if, on the other hand, you are lagging behind in sales skills or you have new team members, look for a trainer who is a specialist in developing sales skills.

2. Setting clear goals

Then discuss with the trainer you have chosen what you expect from the training. It is important for your goals to be realistic and measurable. For example, you can't expect that a one-day training course will immediately double your sales. You can, however, identify specific indicators of success. Don't just decide in HR, involve sales managers and also the salespeople themselves to find out their needs.

3. Focus the training

Try to find as specific a subject as possible for the training. If you want to train your people in the whole sales process you will need a more comprehensive programme. As well as the topic, the structure is also very important. Salespeople are not among the most attentive listeners and cannot sit all day during a monotonous lecture. The more practical examples or actual exercises the better.

4. Repetition and practice

Look for ways of avoiding a situation where your salespeople are enthusiastic about the training they have been given but are unable to put what they have heard into practice. For example, follow up the training with a programme aimed at reminding them about the new information they have got from the training and make sure that it is being applied. Nowadays, a number of trainers offer repeated training focussing on remembering basic things and use in practice.

5. Price and quality

The price is often the most difficult part of organising training. Companies try to keep the price down as much as possible but at the same time they want the best service. Try asking the question: Do you also want customers to only buy from you according to price? If not, you shouldn't set your salespeople a bad example.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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