3 tips on how to conduct video interviews


Job seekers are not the only ones who need to make a good impression during job interviews. Recruiters should also represent their companies professionally regardless of whether the interviews are traditionally held in the companies or virtually, e.g. via Skype. Of course, video interviews have certain specific requirements. Recommendations from Robert Half International, the staffing company for recruiter preparation for video interviews, were recently published by careerbuilder.com. Let's summarize them now.

Choose a professional environment

Video interviews can be conducted using a tablet or even a mobile phone. Recruiters therefore, don't have to sit in their office, but they should always choose a professional environment. It should be tidy and quiet. Make sure that nobody and nothing will disturb you during the interview. Close the door and turn off the phones.  Wear the same type of professional clothes you would wear in a traditional interview as a matter of course. Do you really think the candidates will not notice that you are wearing a jacket and a tie, but no trousers?

Offer candidates a pleasant view of you

The interviewer should look as natural as possible to the candidates. Therefore, focus on two things - light and eye contact. Make sure that the light does not come from behind you, but always from the front. The more natural light the better. When it comes to the eye contact, look into the camera, not directly into the candidates' eyes on the screen.

Avoid technical problems

Fast Internet connection is a must-have. Even if you have  high-speed Internet, however, pay attention to how fast you are speaking and if you are moving around. Speak slowly and try not to move too much. Always allow the candidates time to answer one question before you ask another one. Have the candidates' phone numbers in case of a connection failure then the interview can be finished by phone.


Article source Career.com - americký server společnosti CyberFair s nabídkou zaměstnání
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