Are your leaders emotionally intellingent?


The vast majority of top managers have high emotional intelligence (EI). The higher their position in the company, the more EI is important because the atmosphere and their ability to interact with others permeate the entire company from the top down. Can you uncover emotional potential and thus indentify the more capable leaders in your business? According to the TLNT website the emotionally intelligent leader is:

1. Open

Leaders with low EI are usually defensive and take every criticism as a personal attack. Empathetic leaders tends to be more honest, open to ideas and listen to others. Moreover, the measures they adopt are to the benefit of all.

2. Emotionally stable

Socially oriented leaders are always aware of their emotions and are in control of them. They are also aware of how the presence of strong emotions can influence a situation and think out the situation before acting rather than after.

3. Empathetic

Even though not all messages can be positive, when criticism is needed it should be given constructively. An empathetic leader is able to empathize with people and mitigate the impact of bad news on the team.

4. Available

An empathetic leader understands that a negative situation occurring in professional or personal life can have a significant impact on employee performance. Therefore, such a leader is always ready to help with both the mental and physical aspects, if necessary.

5. Selfless

Emotional stability helps the leader control his ego and remain confident at the same time. He has no need to prove his value to someone else but prefers to allow others to shine.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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