7 Questions That Must Be Asked Before Announcing Vacancies

When selecting suitable candidates for a certain position, the HR manager needs to think from the perspective of potential applicants as well. The hiring process is always reciprocal. It is necessary to ask yourself not only why you should hire this or that candidate, but also what is it about the job position you are offering that may attract high-quality applicants. The following seven questions published by the server HR Daily Advisor  may help and  should be considered by any HR manager before offering a vacant position.

  1. Is the position in its current form really needed? Structures change, so before the actual announcement of a vacancy, it is necessary to think about if it would be more effective to change the role of the position. Perhaps the scope should  be widened or narrowed, or maybe it should be canceled altogether.

  2. Does the vacancy have anything to attract a high-quality employee? At this point, it is appropriate to come up with a list of ten reasons why this position would be attractive to a genuine professional. Then, you should try to find examples that support these aspects in your work place. You may find inspiration by communication with current employees.

  3. Will  this particular working environment be welcoming to a new employee? Everybody in the workplace should be ready to welcome a new experienced worker as a respected asset to the team. 

  4. Will I recognize a suitable candidate? This question is central to the very issue of recognizing appropriate applicants. Whatever selective method you use, you must always take into consideration the specific demands of the position you are offering.

  5. Where will we get first-rate employees? The professional potential of most people is usually already recognized by other companies. For this reason, do not confine your search to only the candidates that apply, but also offer the vacancy to the already employed. Only 20% of working people are actively searching for a different job, however, 60% of employed people would accept a better job if it was offered to them.

  6. Will the new worker have a suitable boss? Motivated professionals also needs the type of environment where they can optimize their skills. Determine if the future boss is able to offer this environment.

  7. How to keep  high-quality employees? You should also have a plan to keep the employees you choose in your company into the future.


Article source HR Daily - Australian website on human resources management
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