Tips for corporate career sites in 2014


How can you optimize your company's career website so that your vacancies appear on the top search positions on Google? This issue has been addressed by the SEO specialist Larry Engel in his article on titled SEO in 2014? Your Career Site Needs to be a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for Candidates". Engel points out that Google is constantly changing its search algorithm and recruiters must keep pace with these changes.

5 tools for your career site

1. Useful information

The content of your site for job seekers must be fresh and relevant. That is to say you should regularly update it. Monitor what information potential candidates share on the Internet. Create an editorial calendar and regularly comment on the trends in your field.

2. Answer candidates' questions

Find out what questions job seekers in your field or company ask most frequently then focus the content of your career site on these issues. Join social networks and write about what you think your potential employees will be interested in.

3. Useful links

Make sure the links on your career site to specific job offers, are not obscured by the additional articles, tips, and answers to questions. Do not make it difficult or impossible to apply directly for a vacancy. Link up the individual pages of your career site so that visitors find  useful and worthwhile information. Then they will want to return to your site. If a visitor cannot find links to what he looking for, he will not return.

4. Interactive

For today's Internet users it is no longer enough just to read. They want to socialize with specific communities and  communicate in real time, if possible. That is why you should connect your corporate career site with your corporate accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Set up a blog or an editorial column to regularly communicate with readers. Visitors to your career site must not see that your last post is several months or even years old.

5. Real-time communication

Companies which are looking for highly specialized professionals want to take every advantage when a potential employee visits the website. Tools for real-time communication - instant messaging, live chat, etc. - can help. When a specialist, interested in your company asks a question, a recruiter should answer it immediately. At least that is the ideal scenario.


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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