How to manage your training budget smarter


Your employee training budget for the next year is not infinite. Quite possibly, it has not increased too much compared to the previous "lean" years. Your expectations from education providers are growing and so do the prices of educational activities. How can you meet your L&D goals with only a limited budget? The HR Zone server recommends:

Start with a plan

You cannot avoid planning if you really want to achieve something. Non-systematic solutions often look simple, but they are always more expensive. If you, for example, experienced ten different people asking for the same training during the course of a year, organize one such training directly in your company. If you still do not use a training needs analysis, find experts to teach you how to work with it.

Find priorities

Your plan will offer you the opportunity to choose your educational priorities for the year clearly. You will be able to distribute funds from your budget more easily for mandatory training, the most important educational software updates and other educational activities with a lesser priority.

Learn to delegate

Note that even your own time is a part of your company's training budget. When you learn to work smarter, you save more money for employee education. Start by delegating some of your tasks to managers - e.g. identification of the educational needs of their direct reports.

Outsource the administration of trainings

There are many companies on the market offering outsourcing of the entire process of employee training. Their offers include everything from searching and booking trainings to potential cancellations. They can also process feedback from the participants and calculate the costs for you. You may gain more time for more strategic work.

Compare the offers

Today's education market is very broad. However, thanks to the internet, you can compare different providers more easily. There are even websites comparing the prices of similar trainings provided by different training providers. Nevertheless, you have to be cautious. Choosing trainings only based on price would be misleading. Follow your experience, recommendations of trusted sources and evaluations from previous trainees.

Do not be afraid of modern technology

Despite the initial investment, educational applications or entire learning systems can save you a lot of money. Definitely consider the possibilities of using e-learning for your company. Again, do not choose only based on price.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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