1. Start cooperating with your ChiefFinancialOfficer in order to identify, measure and strengthen talent management that will have a direct impact on corporate goals.
2. Based on the metrics identified, create a talent program with a clear focus on increasing employee productivity.
3. Search for barriers to developing innovation in your company and find ways to reduce or completely remove them.
4. Learn to speak the language of money. Convert your existing measures of success in talent management success into money.
5. Start to measure employee retention based on accurate data. Search for individuals and jobs with the highest impact.
6. Ensure quick sharing of best practices in talent management between HR and managers in your company.
7. Forget about the idea of treating all employees equally. Focus on individuals, jobs and units with the highest impact on achieving corporate goals.
8. Speedup the learning process in the company. Start by measuring how quickly your people learn and continue by sharing best practices in fast learning.
9. Compare your talent management practices with the competition and seek to gain competitive advantage.
10. Stop measuring what happened in the past year and start to focus on measuring what you want in the future. Anticipate problems and opportunities that may arise and share them with managers.