Coaching questions for your clients


The International Coach Federation (ICF) asked its fans on Facebook and Twitter to share their favorite questions they use as coaches when working with their clients. Based on the answers, the ICF compiled a list of the top 25 questions to help you get your coachees talk.

We are bringing you a summary of the top ten questions. You can read the remaining tips on the ICF blog here.

Top 10 coaching questions

1. If I could give you one extra hour a day, what would you do in this hour?

2. What would you do if you had unlimited resources available?

3. What story holds you back?

4. What will you do first?

5. How much energy are you willing to invest in this?

6. What solution would your ideal self suggest?

7. What are you trying to prove to yourself?

8. If I were in your shoes and asked you for advice, what is the first thing you would say?

9. What would you try to do if you knew you could not fail?

10. Just because this happened in the past, why does it need to happen again?


Article source ICF - International Coach Federation - a leading global organization dedicated to the coaching profession
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