Study: The Future of HR in 10 points


How the HR function in organizations will evolve in the next five to seven years will depend on the current and expected trends in the development of economy, technology and employee expectations. That is the focus of a research project by Accenture titled The Future of HR. It is a long-term series of studies based on interviews with HR directors and their subordinates from different industries and regions of the world. The research also covers opinions of experts from individual industries, output from workshops and analyses of related literature.

The Accenture research identified the following ten basic areas in which the greatest changes in HR will probably be seen. You can download the summary of the research from here. In addition, the company has already published individual studies covering the first six areas. Each of them includes a summary of trends and recommendations for HR professionals. To read the individual studies, click on the links below.

10 areas of future changes in HR

1. Maximum use of skills

HR in all industries will experience increased pressure to obtain the best possible talent. Companies will require rapid placement of talent in specific jobs at specific times.

2. Personalization of talent management

In people management, the existing perception of employees will change from a single entity towards a more individual management in the form of personalized talent management solutions.

3. Expanded workforce

Organizations will use a more expanded workforce represented by a global network of external contractors, outsourcing providers, vendors and other "non-traditional employees."

4. HR as a driver of the agile organization

HR will play a more crucial role in how businesses adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and help to outperform their competition.

5. Talent management hand in hand with the science of human behavior

New scientific findings about the human brain and behavior will help HR to better manage the performance of organizations.

6. Global work with talents

HR will become more adapted to the global world, including talent acquisition strategies and management techniques, including providing support to mobile workers in different parts of the world.

7. Radical digital changes

Social networks, gamification, cloud solutions, mobile devices, big data, customer applications ... All these new technologies will change the way work is performed, including the support provided by HR.

8. Democratization thanks to social media

Future organizations will be made up of knowledge workers who will be able to use social media to come up with solutions together. This will become evident in the flattening of the hierarchies and structures of organizations.

9. Risk management

HR will have to learn to use risk management strategies in various areas including everything from employee data protection, to the risks associated with poor  employees selection, and talent turnover.

10. Extending the impact of HR

HR will shift from being a stand alone department only managing human resources towards greater cooperation with all the other departments within organizations.


Article source Accenture - global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company
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