Where do you build your employer brand?

You have defined the values of your employer brand as well as the brand message, now you would like to hit a specific target group. It is time to choose the right communication channels.


Glassdoor.com explains that a strong employer brand should be built on multiple places at the same time. You should start with the following ones. How many of them do you use?

1. Job advertisements

Your job ads should contain more than just descriptions of the experience and skills you are looking for. Job applicants should clearly understand what it is like to work for your company and why your employees are loyal to you.

2. Company career website

The company website offers virtually unlimited space for you to show what it's like to work at your company. Do not limit yourself to just listing vacancies. Set up a corporate blog, publish photos and videos.

3. Social networks

Due to the popularity of social networks especially among the youngest generation of potential employees, you should place your employer brand on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. The content of your company's profiles on social networks must be current and interesting to potential job applicants. Involve your existing employees by asking for their input.

4. Onboarding

Every new employee should become familiar with your corporate culture and values. Make sure, however, that you are not promising your employees something that is not true during the induction process. They will discover the misrepresentation very soon, which would definitely not help your employer brand.

5. Employee training and development

Remember that your target audience does not include only job seekers, but also your current employees. The educational activities you prepare for employees should therefore reflect your culture and values. They should also provide for discussion about what the company promises and what changes might be useful.

6. Internal communication

Another opportunity to promote your employer brand is available in the tools you use for internal communications - from posters to newsletters. In these materials, you should emphasize the employee successes and awards because they represent your brand.

7. Job fairs

Colleagues who personally recruit potential employees at job fairs should be able to present your company working atmosphere. You should prepare materials for them based on all the above mentioned communication channels.


Article source Glassdoor - free jobs and career community that offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies
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