5 steps to better communication with passive candidates on social networks


Today's recruiters usually understand the potential of passive job seekers, but often do not know how to work with them or make excuses that they do not have enough time. Such excuses are no longer relevant because now social networks exist as an ideal channel for building relationships with talents who are currently working for someone else. You need only be persistent, patient, and follow the six rules published on ERE.net.

1. Learn to think like passive candidates

First of all, you need to understand how passive candidates use social networks and what is important to them in their professional and personal lives. Start your exploration within internal talent pools. Communication related to job opportunities in your company and its culture on public social networks should be spread via your satisfied employees, not just recruiters.

2. Do not bother with too much content

Nobody likes it when someone tries to sell them something. So be careful not to overwhelm potential employees with too many messages. Passive candidates should enter your contact networks on their own, based on contacts from friends they trust. For you, this means spreading wider content related to your company, not just vacancies. Let experts and trustworthy personalities speak for you.

3. Beware of outdated content

Remaining silent for a long time is not good either. Set a regular schedule for publishing content on your company and its areas of activities on social networks. A strategy that works very well includes sharing articles and studies, invitations to conferences, contests, results of surveys, and various news from your field.

4. Offer a new perspective

Comment on current trends in an original way which differs from others. Engage in debate with those holding different opinions. Ensure that people will remember your employer brand. You can read more on building employer brands in our previous article here.

5. Use multiple channels

The most popular social media include Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and YouTube. You should know their specifics and have a strategy for each of them. Likewise, however, you should learn to work with different types of interactive content such as video or chat, and various online tools for uploading and downloading data or collaboration. Focus also on communication via mobile devices.


Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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