How to start your cover letter


You are looking for a job and a potential employer wants you to send a cover letter with your CV. Most people in this situation use the internet. Just type "cover letter" or better, "cover letter example" into a search engine and thousands of links to pages with cover letters appear right in front of you. This looks great at first glance, but the problem is that almost everybody does the same. HR professionals then have to read the same cover letters over and over again and reject their "authors" for not being creative enough.

The purpose of a cover letter is to show what makes you different from other candidates and why a particular employer should hire you. If you only submit a copied text from the internet, you will really not be different. Therefore, let's focus on a key part of the cover letter - it is the very beginning which makes recruiters decide whether to read on. The following five non-traditional recommendations on how to attract employers with the beginning of your cover letter were published by

1. Say it with numbers

Use specific numbers to describe your experience in the context the position. For example, if you are applying for the position of Event Manager, you can start your cover letter as follows:

"640 hours. 50 volunteers. 8 weeks. One event. That's all it takes to organize events such ... to which I contributed. I have experience in preparing demanding events and I am not afraid of tight deadlines ... "

2. Quote a well-known person

Choose a quotation to reflect your experience and passion to work in that particular position. One example of a good source of quotes is Wikiquote. For a managerial position, you could quote the American leadership consultant Stephen R. Covey.

"Stephen R. Covey said: Accountability breeds response-ability. As a manager, I have always led my subordinates to be accountable for their own successes and failures, and therefore I believe that my leadership style matches your requirements ... "

3. Tell a story

Your story may reveal your personal characteristics and show how you can fit into the corporate culture. Choose a story that relates to your career.

" I have loved sports since childhood. However, I have always been interested not only in the game, but the numbers hidden behind it. Therefore, I might be the right candidate for the position of the data analyst in your sports organization ... "

4. Show your motivation

Do not talk only about your qualifications but also about choosing your career and enjoying your work.

"Digital marketing, content marketing, social networks. These are not my areas of expertise, but hobbies to which I devote most of my time. I believe that I can fully use my knowledge and enthusiasm in your company ... "

5. Talk about the company

Try to write the beginning of your cover letter as if you were already hired and are talking with your colleagues about choosing the employer.

"When I learned that your company hires new people, I knew that I had to apply. I was looking for a company with a strong mission and interesting customers where I could really accomplish something big ... "


Article source Glassdoor - free jobs and career community that offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies
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