Business coach on business coaching


Peter Boolkah has worked with hundreds of successful companies all over the world. He was the first European coach to become a member of the ActionCOACH  hall of fame (an organization training business coaches). Peter has won 57 ActionCOACH awards to date, and occasionally gives lectures on coaching. He is a true professional. In an article on the website he published some of his opinions.

Now knowledge is power

Peter says that 30 years ago all businesses were static and markets didn't change greatly. It is not true today, the competition is great and markets are globalized. Approximately 10 years ago the industrial age ended and the digital age began. Business coaching is today a rapidly growing industry because many companies perceived they needed to improve.

Business coaches’ quality and price

However, since business coaching is still an unregulated industry, within the industry, the quality of services provided by business coaches is  strikingly different. Companies must do due diligence. They have to find out what results the coach has had and the kind of people he has worked with. Is the coach involved in any ongoing training? These questions really matter. Peter himself invests £100,000 a year on his development in order to keep pace with latest thought-leaders. Talking about money, some coaches prices are extremely low – for that money you, as a business owner, won’t get the value you really need. Where to check out and verify coaches? LinkedIn works very well.

What strategies work

Peter claims that most often it takes 5 years for a business to properly restructure. There are no shortcuts, because, in this case, every shortcut is a path to failure. A business coach has to educate the business he is working for by pointing it in the right direction and by providing suitable training materials. In the near future, Peter foresees a reduction in the consultancy industry and growth in the coaching industry. He has the opinion that market needs coaches who will help others to become self-sufficient.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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