What should a coach know about business?


Are you thinking about starting a business as a coach? Then you might find the following recommendations useful which were published on the International Coach Federation (ICF) blog. The tips do not focus on how to obtain the necessary qualifications, but on how to succeed in business.

Any business needs a vision

Decide why you want to start a business. Is it a short-term thing or are you in this for the long term? Do you want to build and lead your own company? What types of clients do you want to target and what do you want to offer them?

Being a coach is not enough

Once you start a business, you will have to be a good marketer as well as specialize in finance, law or even IT. In the beginning, everything is up to you.

You will have to maintain a leading position

After some time, you will understand that you need skilled people to work with, and leave your accounting or website administration to them. However, this does not mean that they should gradually begin to tell you what to do. They are your support staff, but you are the boss.

Connections are more important than ever

At the beginning, but also when your business is up and running, contacts and your relationships with them are crucial for you. Remember that word-of-mouth marketing is one of the strongest forms of advertising and you need good referrals to do your job.

You have to invest in yourself

The fact that you already have a qualification to work as a coach does not mean that you can stop learning. You should have your own coach who will help you further develop both as a coach and as an entrepreneur. Be prepared to invest in your development, as these investments will pay off.

You have to know your worth

Nobody can tell you how much money you should charge for your services. You can follow the market, but your prices should be primarily your own decision. Search for a price that will reflect who you are and what kind of change you offer.


Article source ICF - International Coach Federation - a leading global organization dedicated to the coaching profession
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