7 tips for the second round of job interviews

You have completed the first round of a job interview and selected the best candidates. It is from this group that you will choose the one who finally gets the job after the second round. Now you should prepare for the second round of interviews properly so that you can thoroughly examine the candidates as well as make a good impression. A few recommendations were published on the HR Zone website on how to prepare.

1. Do not raise false hopes

The candidates should hear from you that they are going to participate in the second round of interviews with the other candidates applying for the same vacancy. The reason is simple. Somebody might think that he has been chosen for the position and the second round of interviews is just a formality in order to announce his victory. When he knows that he still has to compete with other people, he will try even harder.

2. Do not schedule the first and the second round of interviews at the same time of the day

Check how punctual the candidates are, how well-prepared and their levels of concentration at different times of the day. Take the opportunity to see whether they have problems with commuting and how able they are to deal with stress in the morning and afternoon.

3. Involve different employees than in the first round

The first rounds of interviews are usually held with managers of the particular teams or departments. For the second round, you should invite the candidates' future colleagues at similar or cooperating positions.

4. Do not forget that you need to make an impression too

You are not the only one making a choice, the applicants are also deciding whether they want to work for you. Your job is to represent and promote the company culture.

5. Repeat some questions from the first round

When you ask a candidate why he left his former employer at the beginning of the first interview and then again at the end of the second, you will quite often get different answers. This is because you already have a closer relationship, and the applicants will be more open to you. Therefore, repeat the questions you want to know more about than what you learned in the first round of interviews.

6. Do not let any issues slip by without clarifications

In the second round of interviews, you should clarify all the questions you had after the first round. Compare your questions with other colleagues who are involved in the interviews. If you do not ask an important question, you may be asking other candidates this question very soon - in subsequent interviews when you are trying to replace the wrong person who was chosen for the position.

7. Show the candidates around the workplace

If at all possible, let the candidates inspect the workplace and other areas they may use if hired (parking, dining room, restroom, etc.). A short tour around your company will help them better evaluate whether they will fit in.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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