Why is December an ideal month for recruiting?


In 2012, John Sullivan, a world-renowned consultant in the field of HR and current professor of management at San Francisco State University, published an article summarizing twenty reasons why recruiters should mobilize their forces in December. This year, he has followed up with another article on ere.net adding other reasons you should think about.

"Generally I’m not talking about high-volume recruiting because fewer individuals actually apply for jobs during December. Instead focus on selective targeted recruiting, where you focus on fully employed top performers who are normally “too busy” to respond to job offers and recruiter calls," says Sullivan.

Bonuses are paid in December

The best employees who currently work for your competition receive their bonuses in December. However, once the bonuses are paid, you have an ideal opportunity to win these top workers for your company.

Top workers work even at the end of the year

They remain active during this period and look for meaningful activities, even though there is almost nothing to do. When you contact them in December, you have a significantly higher chance of receiving a response.

Many projects stagnate

Budgets have been spent and customers want to continue working on major projects after the New Year. This lack of challenging work can be frustrating for top professionals. Try offering them something interesting in your company.

Most companies limit recruitment

That is why your job offers will be more visible in December. Focus on job sites and social networks. Keep in mind that many competing recruiters are on vacation or waiting to start recruitment activities in January.

Most companies don't see the potential of the week between Christmas Eve and the New Year's Eve

During this week, many companies close their operations and most people try to take vacation. That is why it is a perfect time to arrange meetings and interviews with the experts you want to get. They will not have to take a day off or lie to their current employers about where they are going.

Managers have more time

There are fewer meetings, appointments and conferences at the end of the year. Managers who are looking for new people for their teams can get more involved in recruiting and participate in more interviews.

You can find the best customer service workers

December is the busiest month for employees who work in the field of customer service. We can look all around and easily identify great talent. Use your corporate employee referral program and ask your employees to recommend experts on customer service in December.

You can find the best graduates

The assumption that only those students who have failed in the spring term exams graduate in the autumn is no longer relevant. On the contrary, college students who have completed internships abroad or worked part-time while studying graduate in September or October. At the end of the year, try to focus on hiring high-quality graduates. If you start concentrating on them in spring, they will already work for someone else.


Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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