Selecting candidates wisely means beginning with a reference check


The process of checking references enables you to get the information you need about candidates for the job you are offering. The website states that it is good for the selection process when candidates know you are going to talk with their former managers.

The charade of providing and checking references

Candidates will always give you a list of individuals that are pre-screened and will give you positive reviews. Candidates pick their references and often even tell them what they should say in order to make the candidate to look as suitable as possible. Managers don't usually check references, or they leave the job of reference checks to the HR department. All in all, the hiring HR is likely to get only sanitized and even fabricated information. And anyway, many companies only verify employment dates, with no references. How should you use the references more effectively?

The threat of reference check – TORC method

  1. When there is the very first phone screen, all candidates are told that as the process continues, they will be asked to provide the names of all their former managers and to set up a phone call with them and the hiring manager.
  2. At the interview, candidates are requested to provide those names.
  3. Candidates are also asked to assess what his key strengths and weaknesses were back then.
  4. Now it is time for the candidate to get in touch with their former managers and set up calls with the HR department.
  5. Each of the former managers is asked the same question as the candidate – what his greatest strengths and weaknesses were when he worked for the manager.

Why this method is effective

Great employees usually have good relationships with their managers. They leave for pull reasons such as better opportunities and they keep in touch with their former superiors. Both a great candidate and his former manager are usually willing to talk. On the other hand, troublemakers don’t have strong relationships with their former superiors and won’t admit to any shortcomings. They are less likely to be able to get in touch with their former bosses.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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