When you should hire a career coach


Career coaching provides assistance with career development and finding success in your working life. That's the definition. What specifically can a good career coach do for you? He can help you write your CV and improve the interview skills you need. He can also help you find a hidden place in the labor market, uncover your strengths, take advantage of your personality traits and help you get the job of your dreams.

A career coach can help you, not only when you are looking for a new job, but also if you feel you need a change without a clear idea about what the change should be. If you are asking yourself whether a career coach is the right choice for you, read the following list of life situations that cry out for a career coach according to Recruiter.com.

1. You don't like your job

If you hate your job, but don't see how you can do something else, don't hesitate to hire a career coach. You really don't have to suffer at work and count every minute until the end of your shift. You don't need to pass your frustration from a job you hate on to your loved ones either.

2. You've mastered your position

You've already reached the top at your current position and would like to find a new challenge. A career coach can help you find a new career path in which you could use your knowledge and skills.

3. You can't keep a job

Do you change jobs too often? This may be a signal you aren't choosing jobs well. With a little help from a career coach, you can reveal your true talents and find a role to apply them.

4. You have no possibility to grow

You can't move anywhere in your current job. This does not mean you have to stay where you are. A coach can help you find a new job that will bring you more money, more satisfaction and better career prospects.

5. You don't know what you're good at

People often fail in their jobs even if they work really hard. It is caused by selecting jobs that are inappropriate with respect to individual personality traits, skills and strengths. If you don't know your strengths  - or your weaknesses - talk to a career coach.

6. You aren't being invited for interviews

Have you already sent your resume to many companies but were never invited for an interview? Then there is probably something wrong with your CV. Career coaches know how to write a resume to sell yourself.

7. You are being invited for interviews, but not hired

You seem to have appropriate qualifications, but you can't present yourself properly at the interview. A career coach can help you with preparation.

Have you tried the services of a career coach? What were the results?


Article source Recruiter.com - a U.S. career and employment website
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