Human resources have a lot to learn


The human resources department is in a unique position in a company, unlike other departments, HR has a close link to all other departments, with responsibilities for employees and the performance of enterprise-wide strategies. In order to operate really effectively and strategically, HR must learn from other departments on how to help the company use various strategies. Tips on where to start were published by

1. Marketing department

Recruitment involves a lot of marketing. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, human resources have a greater opportunity to learn from marketing about how to build employer brands in the digital world. An example might be creating and sharing videos on the life in the company.

2. Accounting department

Each recruiter who wants  career advancement in the current business world must understand finance. You can start with accounting ,which will teach you how to prepare budgets, create proposals or calculate ROI. Do you know what the return of individual HR initiatives are in your company? Can you express employee performance in numbers with respect to the company's profit?

3. Sales department

Recruitment is not just a mater of marketing but also sales. HR professionals should therefore know how business strategies work if they want to attract the best talent in the market. They should also know their company products and the market conditions under which they operate. This will help them understand where their companies are lacking talent and how to "buy" it in the best possible way.

4. Customer service department

Even though HR departments are gaining an increasingly strategic role in companies, they remain service providers. Their customers are employees, existing or prospective, with  specific needs. HR professionals should be aware that they are often the first representative of the company potential employees meet. They frame their opinions on the entire company based on meeting you.

Which department have you learned the most from in your HR career?


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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