Recruitment: How to make it faster without rushing


Time-to-hire is one of the most commonly used metrics in HR. It indicates the average length of time needed to fill a vacant position. Further more, it is related to an even more important metric - cost-per-hire, i.e. the cost of filling a position. If you manage to save time, you can logically save costs as well. Moreover, you can also avoid other inconveniences such as being understaffed and experiencing a morale decline related growing customer dissatisfaction and possible business losses.

Shortening time-to-hire does not mean rushing your recruitment process. You should act more strategically and systematically. The HR Zone website recommends the following steps.

1. Anticipate your needs and prepare

In many sectors, it is possible to predict periods of increased need to hire new employees. Prepare for such periods well in advance.

2. Implement group interviews and more flexible measures

Consider for which positions you can conduct job interviews with several candidates at once. Adapt to the applicants' schedule by offering the possibility of attending job interviews during weekends or in the evening. Offer also phone or video interviews.

3. Prepare an emergency plan

Focus on what you will do if several people unexpectedly leave your company. By the time they leave, it's too late to start thinking about plans to keep your company  operations.

4. Train hiring managers

Educate them in how to conduct interviews and teach them how not to delay the selection of new employees at the last minute.

5. Search in your own ranks

Internal recruitment can save costs associated not only with finding new employees, but also with training. In addition, it will encourage employee loyalty and interest in developing their careers in your company.

6. Implement an employee referral program

Reward current employees for recommending suitable new employees. Read more on how to do it here and here.

7. Emphasize benefits

Use comprehensible job titles in your job advertisements and emphasize the employee benefits you offer. To get even more candidates interested, publish information about the salary offered.

8. Involve social networks and professional websites

Social networks can help you reach out to potential employees who do not visit job boards. Read practical tips on how to  recruit via LinkedIn in the series of articles by Josef Kadlec. Also focus on specialized websites for professional groups of experts you are looking for.

9. Use an ATS

ATS (application tracking software) systems save time by automating the process of selecting candidates. These systems no longer only filter keywords in resumes. They are coming up with increasingly sophisticated functions to analyze applicant data.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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