Why do people change jobs? Global trends according to LinkedIn


The number of people who are open to changing their jobs has been growing in  recent years.  However, it is still very difficult for companies to hire top candidates. Why is this so and how can you improve your chances of getting the best talent?

These questions were asked in one of the largest behavioral surveys of its kind - the study titled Why & How People Change Jobs carried out by the professional social network LinkedIn. The study is based on an analysis of the profiles of 7 million  users of the network who changed employers during 2014, and the responses of more than 10,000 users in a LinkedIn survey held  from January to March 2015. The participants came from all over the world, including the Czech Republic.

The main findings of the study are as follows:

1. Money is not everything

People leave their jobs mainly because of a lack of opportunities for further career development (45%). They also decide to leave because they are dissatisfied with senior management (41%), they don't like the working environment (36%) or don't consider their work to be sufficiently stimulating (36%). Salary and benefits are relevant reasons to leave for only 34% of employees.

2. Employer brand matters

People most often refuse to change their jobs because they can't imagine what it would be like  to work somewhere else (49%). There is, therefore,  a huge area for organizations to start investing in developing their employer brands. Job offers also should  be tailored for individual age groups and women candidates.

Why & How People Change Jobs, LinkedIn 2015

3. Referrals are the most convincing arguments

People most often learn about new work opportunities, that they later decide to accept, from  recommendations of someone they know, from recruitment agencies, job portals, and social networks. On the other hand, they do not get much information from press or radio. In Europe, recruitment agencies have the strongest position.Why & How People Change Jobs, LinkedIn 2015

4. Small companies are the most popular

There is a very significant, recent trend of talent shifting to smaller organizations. Employees are looking particularly for greater challenges, making an impact, a strong vision and company culture. The younger generation does not hesitate to completely change an industry. Most talented candidates are moving to the technology, healthcare and energy industries.

The entire study is available for download here.


Article source LinkedIn - the largest business-oriented social network worldwide
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