What to ask when hiring recruiters


There is a proverb saying "the shoemaker goes barefoot". Is this true in recruiting too? Many recruiters specialize in certain fields such as sales, manufacturing or IT. They know how to find the best salespeople, industry workers and programmers. Now let's focus on how they should proceed when hiring recruitment specialists.

If you want to know how to find a great colleague in your field who is the most suitable candidate for the position of a recruitment specialist in your company, ask him or her the following questions originally published by the LinkedIn Talent Blog.

1. Relationships with hiring managers

Ask the candidates for the position of a recruiter in your company to describe their relationships with the last three managers whose teams they were looking for new members. A recruiter should be a hiring manager's partner, not a subordinate who only accept commands.

2. Communication with rejected candidates

Inquire how your potential recruiters interact with candidates who are rejected during the recruitment process. Many recruiters do not communicate with these candidates at all. This may severely damage your reputation and employer brand.

3. Data analysis

Today's recruiter must be able to work with huge amounts of data. At a job interview, he or she must be able to describe specific examples of analysing data when selecting employees.

4. Further education

Do not forget to ask how the individual applicants maintain awareness of the current developments in the recruitment industry. Ask what publications they read and what trends are the most interesting for them.

5. Social networks

Ask the candidates to show you their profiles and activities on LinkedIn and Twitter. Find out how they build relationships with potential job candidates using the Internet, and whether they can build the employer brand in this environment.

6. Quality of hire

There is no single correct answer on the question of measuring the quality of hire. The candidate must understand the importance of measuring the success of recruitment for further improvement. He or she should be aware of what metrics to use and why.


Article source LinkedIn Talent Blog - recruiting strategies, tips and trends on the LinkedIn social network
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