5 steps to a functional talent community


What should recruiters know so they can build valuable talent communities and get the most out of them? This is a question recruitment specialists were recently asked by Recruiter.com. It turned out that the most important prerequisites of a successfully functioning community of talented people who may become your employees are the following.

1. Voluntary membership

Some companies enroll potential employees in their community networks automatically to have as many members as possible. If you decide to take a gamble on voluntary membership, you will have fewer members, but it will be people with a real interest in your business and brand.

2. Candidates' needs

Put your candidates' needs before your own. For example, if it turns out that a candidate is not suitable for a certain position, direct him to a better place. While you do lose a talent that seemed promising, you will maintain your good reputation and strengthen relationships with other departments (or even companies) you recommend such a good candidate to.

3. The recruiter's personality

Every recruiter should work on being perceived as a real recruitment expert in a certain market sector. Communities of potential employees will them be built much easier. They just have to know and remember you.

4. Active search for members

First make sure who you are looking for and then actively use the widest possible portfolio of communication channels to reach the potential members of your talent community. Communicate regularly so that the people in your target group don't forget about you.

5. Functional database

Your talent community should also be a functional technical tool to work with talent. You should be able to do a search in it, add or remove members and other content, categorize and create groups of members, and communicate with members. Working with the community should be automated as much as possible.


Article source Recruiter.com - a U.S. career and employment website
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