Robert Hogan on Management TV: True leadership is not a matter of politicking or charisma

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Robert Hogan is president and founder of Hogan Assessment Systems as well as the spiritual father of professional psychodiagnostics. For several decades he has been a recognised international authority in the field of corporate environment psychology, people management and organisational effectiveness. Robert Hogan was also a keynote speaker at the Driven Leaders Forum conference organised by Assessment Systems on 18th April 2016 at the Grand Majestic Plaza Hotel in Prague.

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Click on the time in brackets in the description of the video to go directly to the specific topics listed on the right.

[00:29] Why are most US leaders deemed incompetent?

[01:34] Conclusiveness of testing methods in practice.

[03:29] Most important changes in leadership since the 1960s.

[06:37] The difference between a leader and a politician.

[07:56] How can we hire people with real potential instead of only charismatic leaders?

[10:32] Success of top leaders.

[11:31] Four key qualities of a successful leader.

[12:59] Who will replace incompetent leaders?

[16:49] Opportunities for further development of leaders.

[17:50] Healthy fear raised by a leader.

[19:03] The difference between behaviour in an organisation and the army.

[21:47] The dark and bright side of personality (explanation of the "Dark Side of Personality" concept).

[24:08] New testing methods.

[25:06] Emotional leadership.

[26:54] Personal reputation and how to recognise it.

[28:47] Collaboration with Rostislav Benák and Assessment Systems in the Czech Republic.

[30:20] Adaptation of methodologies and approaches to diverse cultures.

[31:03] Future trends to affect functioning of individuals and companies.

[33:32] Responsible approach of leaders and organisations towards society.

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Setkejte se s legendou psychodiagnostiky Robertem Hoganem 18. dubna 2016 v Praze


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