E-learning: When (not) to use it

Internet je již naprostou samozřejmostí našich životů, stejně tak jako e-learning ve firmách – alespoň v těch větších. Trh online vzdělávacích řešení roste obrovskou rychlostí. Ne vždy je však e-learning tím správným řešením, které firmám zajistí potřebná školení, ušetří náklady a čas. Podle britského serveru Training Zone byste e-learning měli volit jen v následujících případech.


The Internet has become a matter of course in our lives and so has e-learning in companies – at least in the larger ones. The online training solutions market is growing rapidly. E-learning is, however, not always the right solution when companies need some training and want to save time and costs. According to the Training Zone website, you should use e-learning only in the following cases.

1. Employees in different locations

If the employees you want to train work in different locations, getting them all together in one place may cost a lot of money and waste a great deal of time. E-learning can help. It will even give you the opportunity to compare the results of individual participants, which may bring interesting findings.

2. Different levels of knowledge

The employees you want to train are often not at the same level. Therefore, it makes no sense to offer them the same training. Thanks to e-learning you can easily assess participants' knowledge and assign different versions of training.

3. No chance to spend entire days on training

It is not always possible for employees simply to stop working and spend half a day or a full day on training. On the other hand, there are areas of knowledge and skills that need to be developed constantly. Then it is more efficient to use e-learning solutions so that workers can train themselves at a time when it best suits them.

4. Measuring the progress of employees

If you want your employees to reach a certain level, you have to measure whether this is happening. That is a perfect situation for e-learning, including individual tests and assessments. The need to train new recruits quickly can serve as an example.

5. The same information for everyone

If large groups of employees should learn one similar thing, e-learning is more effective than traditional training. It offers everyone the opportunity to go through the training as quickly as they want and when the time best suits them.

6. Knowledge sharing rather than a change in behaviour

E-learning is best suited for sharing information. If your goal is to change employee behaviour in some way, you should at least combine e-learning with traditional live training sessions.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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