Study: How to use data for better employer branding

Companies are investing more in employer branding efforts and making big strides to leverage data analytics in HR, yet important gaps remain, small companies in particular struggle to leverage data and many HR professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to use data to evaluate the effectiveness of their employer branding efforts.


While mature analytics strategies are twice as likely to improve recruiting efforts & leadership pipeline, only 3 out of 10 firms are using attribute scores to see the ROI on their employer branding strategies and currently less than 1 in 10 companies use data driven decisions all the time. These are findings of the Employer Branding Now research report by Universum.

Prominent gaps in employer branding communication strategies are also evident when it comes down to awareness vs. differentiation. Most organizations only use their employer branding communication to boost awareness but very few are using it to differentiate themselves from their competition.  Awareness alone is no longer enough to attract future employees, and more sophisticated tactics such as differentiating a company in key markets or among critical talent groups are being used much less often.

Perhaps a more surprising finding was the infrequent use of employer branding communications for employee retention. Only 3 out of 10 large companies use it for retention, when retention is a top priority for talent professionals.

Which of the following best describe your primary employer brand communication objectives?

Universum: "Employer Branding Now" 2016

The findings from this report are based on the opinions surveyed from over 2500+ employer branding professionals from various organizations, including 100 of the Fortune 500 companies. We have collected the points of view of CEOs, heads of HR and recruiting, among others professionals from around the world to understand the most pressing issues affecting the current state of global talent management and employer branding.

The report aims to uncover where talent executives must focus in the year ahead, by providing them with actionable recommendations to leverage data and attract and retain top talent. Practical recommendations on how to carry out applicable insights from the report include:

  • How to create closer alignment between employer brand priorities and talent priorities.
  • How to fully leverage the power of EVPs to deliver greater employer brand focus and impact.
  • How to invest in quality social media content (no longer a side order, now the meat of the day)
  • How to effectively invest in data analytics.

The report is available for download here.
