Remember: Recruiting never ends

Great companies don't need to develop any special recruitment initiatives because the best employees will find them themselves. Do you really believe that? This may be true for a few companies, but the most successful companies are well aware of the fact that they have to actively search for talent. If they want to hire the best people in the market, they have to count on the fact that these experts are not waiting at job centres until someone offers them a job. They're already working for a competitor. You have to create a talent acquisition strategy to get them on board.


Besides the idea that talented workers will find you themselves, there are also other recruitment myths that are still accepted by many companies. warned against the following myths.

Modern technology ensures the best recruitment

Yes, technology plays an increasingly important role in recruitment, but you can't rely on it blindly. There is a human being, in this case a recruiter, with his knowledge and experience behind every technology. Those are the crucial factors for choosing the best people for each position.

Interviews reveal the best candidates

A good recruiter must take into account that the best candidates may not have the best communication and presentation skills, while unsuitable individuals may present themselves quite well. Candidates must be assessed from an overall perspective, including feedback from others, not only based on job interviews.

The perfect candidate exists

Nobody is perfect. Especially when trying to fill senior managerial functions, companies often wait for the ideal candidate who never comes. It's more effective to eliminate the imperfections of otherwise great candidates by training and leadership development.

Recruitment begins with a vacancy

This is perhaps the most common mistake. Strategies for attracting talent should be applied continuously, not just at the moment a vacancy is created. Try to start by imagining how your business should look like in, for example, a year from now and what workers you'll need to achieve that.


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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