Study: Global HR management trends in 2017

There is currently a record low in unemployment in the Czech Republic. Therefore, recruitment problems are discussed more and more.

Recruitment is, however, not the most important issue for companies and their human resources departments. The question of how a company should actually operate as a whole is more important to them.

A positive experience of working for a particular company is a key recruitment and people management factor.


These are findings of the Global Human Capital Trends 2017 - Rewriting the Rules for the Digital Age survey by Deloitte which was examining human resources trends in organizations for the fifth time.

A total of 10,000 sales and HR directors from 140 countries participated in the survey. For the first time, the survey involved a sufficient number of respondents from the Czech Republic. This is the most extensive year of the survey.

Global Human Capital Trends 2017 - Rewriting the rules for the digital age

The biggest issues companies are currently dealing with are their future organizational structure, recruitment and employee development associated with a new concept of career. In practice, this means they need to focus more on teamwork, respond more quickly to market changes, and change how they develop employees.

Companies managed in this new way, of course, also require different styles of leadership. That's why great emphasis is put on the topic of leadership.

While career advancement used to be the most important factor, a positive employee experience, meaningful work and the working environment now come to the forefront of what employees want.

Employee experience does, however, not only relate to employee satisfaction. It also serves as a tool for performance improvement, support of innovation, employee development, employer attractiveness on the labor market as well as a way to differentiate in times of shortage of top candidates.

Main conclusions of the study in numbers

  • 87% of respondents in the Czech Republic perceive setting a new way of organizational operation as necessary.

  • 82% of the Czech survey participants consider a revolution in the ways of getting talented people an important trend.

  • Leadership development is important for the digital age according to 82% of the Czech respondents. The same number of respondents also considers it important to create a dynamic environment that promotes development and flexible careers.

  • Only 23% of the survey respondents worldwide say their company has an integrated employee experience strategy.

Further details, including a deeper analysis of each of the top ten trends the survey identified is available on this page.


Article source Deloitte - multinational company providing audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services
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