Doplňte both , either , nebo neither . a) We were late. b)We enjoyed it. c) Unfortunately answer was correct. d) I like them but prefer this one. e) I pressed buttons but of them did anything. f ) Take route. You’ll find the distance is the same. g) answers were correct. h) We accept answer. answers are correct. i) model was very cheap, so I decided to look elsewhere. j) You can use entrance, but there’s only one exit.
Správné řešení
V každé větě vyberte z uvedených kvantifikátorů všechny, které by se do ní daly doplnit a) Why is there always so … time?A. many B. little C. few D. less E. more b) Can I have … ice-cream?A. some B. a bit of C. a little bit of D. a little bit E. some of c) … of these copies is suitable.A. Both B. Either C. All D. Each E. Neither d) I’ve got two telephones and … of them are broken.A. all B. both C. each D. either E. none e) … of his stories are quite sad.A. All B. Most C. Both D. Lots E. Each f ) I didn’t recognize … of the names.A. every B. some C. any D. less E. most g) She inspected … of the samples very carefully.A. all B. most C. either D. a little E. each h) We’ve got … of time.A. heaps B. loads C. much D. a great deal E. a great many i) … of them is fine to use.A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. A few E. Many j) In that way there will be … opportunities for everyone.A. less B. enough C. more D. plenty of E. several k) There are … people who wouldn’t agree with you.A. loads of B. a good many C. few D. none E. no l) I spent … minutes investigating what to do.A. a few B. a bit of C. heaps of D. numbers of E. several m) I spent … of time considering all the available options.A. a great deal B. all C. a considerable amount D. most E. quite some n) I don’t need any more. I’ve got … now.A. plenty B. none C. numbers D. enough E. lots o) And we’ll spend … of the holiday by the sea.A. the whole B. a bit C. one D. more E. the rest p) Did he really eat … of that cake?A. the whole B. all C. most D. another E. both q) They invited … of experts, but no solution was found.A. a great many B. a great deal C. lots D. a couple E. a great number r) You’ll see it won’t take more than … of minutes.A. a couple B. a few C. few D. a bit E. little s) That in itself will save you … of trouble.A. a good deal B. most C. tons D. some E. a great deal t) I went to the concert because I wanted to hear … his music.A. more of B. either C. each D. much E. some of
Správné řešení
Article source Time to Practise 2 - Sarah Peters, Tomáš Gráf - Velká sbírka cvičení z anglické gramatiky - Neslovesné jevy a souhrnné testy (Polyglot, 2008) ISBN: 978-80-86195-53-7 Read more articles from Time to Practise 2 Aktuální
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