Coaching and mentoring: Top 10 basic facts

Coaching and mentoring are terms that are often confused. Both these types of employee development tools can deliver great results to companies, but they have rules that need to be understood and followed. When is it better to involve coaches and when mentors? What can coaching do compared to mentoring and vice versa? Read a clear summary.


The Training Zone website published the following most important facts about coaching and mentoring in companies.

1. Coaching can't be ordered to correct an undesirable behavior. The coachee should start working with the coach willingly.

2. Coaches can't be assigned. The relationship of a coachee and a coach must be based on trust that can only arise if they both suit each other.

3. Coaching is a process of voluntary behavioral change. Mentoring serves to develop specific skills. Both parties must understand this in the same way.

4. It can't be said whether coaching is better than mentoring because it always depends on the situation. Mentoring is usually used by less experienced workers, while coaching is usually intended for more senior positions. Often, however, it is desirable to use a combination of both.

5. It's always necessary to start by agreeing on the basic rules of confidentiality in the relationship.

6. Always start with a clear starting point (problem) and clarify the end you want to achieve from the coaching or mentoring.

7. In the case of coaching, always focus on what the person who is being coached wants to focus on.

8. The employer's job is to ensure that the coaching or mentoring is working for the employee's development. Surveys should be conducted to confirm this.

9. To measure success, you should collect at least qualitative data and share successful stories across your organization.

10. Employees should be given an opportunity to evaluate the benefits of coaching and mentoring themselves.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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