Brian Tracy: Recipe for fulfillment and real happiness

Self-fulfillment doesn't happen instantly. You need to make a conscious effort. But you can do it, you can work on feeling better with your life.


Follow these steps suggested by the famous coach Brian Tracy, and change your daily habits into the right ones.

Surround yourself with positivity

Don’t spend much time with people who make you feel small or bad. Look up and connect with people who make you smile and support you.

Articulate your goals

They can be both personal and professional. Then craft a plan how to achieve them step by step.

Visualize your success

Visualize what you need to do to reach your goals. By doing so, you develop a clear vision.

Celebrate your achievements

It really is important to celebrate your wins. Reward yourself in some way for a job well done.

Take charge

You are in charge of your own happiness, not others. Your spouse, your friends... they're not responsible for how you feel. Stop blaming other people or things. Take life into your own hands.

Be confident

Find ways how to feel fulfilled no matter how others treat you , or what comes your way. Do it for yourself. It can seem a bit challenging, but there is nothing more rewarding.

Be helpful to others

To feel fulfilled, it's great to share what you have with others, be it time, money, or your skills. By helping others, you add a great deal to your own happiness.

Notice when good things happen to you

Look within and acknowledge the things that are just right. Notice the situations and also the people who you meet for which you can and should be grateful. Focus on them.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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