The key to better productivity: inter-generational cooperation

A comfortable working environment and effective team of employees must have certain traits so the company as a whole reaches its goals. One of the most important factors to influence the performance of the team is the age diversity of employees. If the younger and older co-workers can communicate effectively amongst themselves, they are able to include the best from both generations in their common tasks and thus proceed towards improvement.


Different age, different needs

As HR Zone states, millennials and middle-aged people together form an ideal combination of new innovative tendencies and long-term experience. In order for the two groups to work together effectively, neither of them should feel pushed aside. This is why you must provide such a working environment that meets the different demands and needs of all age groups.

Young people for instance like new technologies. They are able to use efficiently modern CRM systems, databases and other software tools. They are also able to multitask and orientate quickly in large amounts of information. Therefore you should provide millennials with quality IT systems as they can really use them in a positive way.

Older people often have children. As mothers and fathers, they often prefer flexible working environments. They appreciate sometimes being able to leave work earlier or arrive later. They are often more conservative than their younger colleagues but, thanks to their experience, they are able better to assess the risks and positives of any newly implemented changes.

Employee interaction

To interconnect successfully the individual age groups, you must offer an environment that supports such interaction. Offer employees what enables them to use their best potential and bring the most to the joint work on common projects. You will thus gain an innovative, yet responsible workforce.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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