Six personality types that are toxic for a working environment

Even the best talent is not able to give of their best if they dislike the working environment in which they find themselves. Today we will not be dealing with the microclimate or office design. Instead we will look at something that has the most profound impact on the atmosphere at the workplace, namely employees and their personalities. Here are six types of people who are toxic for a working environment and with whom you must do something before their effect on the workplace proves fatal.


Aggressive tyrant

According to HR Morning, the most obvious negative personality type is the tyrant. These people are often loud, they bully subordinates and weaker people psychologically, and are unable to control their emotions. In such cases, intervene even if there is no complaint from any of the "victims".


This is someone who gossips about others, revels in office drama, forms various alliances with certain people and badmouths other employees.


Someone who seeks only the negative in everything. They criticise the current situation but at the same time reject in advance any possible changes. They are unable to see anything positive anywhere and, unfortunately, their negativity also spreads to other people.

Bad worker

Someone who comes to work just to "sit there", with no motivation to do anything, not only has a bad influence on the atmosphere in the office but also adds to the work of others.

Attention seeker

Some people seek attention. They always seem to have a lot of work, they only talk about what problems they are going through, and they try to get everyone else's full attention even though other people also have work to do.


A careerist and opportunist without any deeper moral principles. Their goal is to climb the career ladder and they are willing to do anything for it, even lie and walk all over everyone else.



Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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