Specifics of training and educating generation Z

The youngest generation of employees currently entering the workspace has its specifics, especially due to the rapid technological development of the last 20 years, plus contact with other cultures and the globalised world. The so-called “generation Z” (people born ca. 1995-2005) is just different. But if you employ the right attitude and use appropriate education and training techniques, you can turn them into effective, innovative and hard-working employees. You must, however, adhere to certain rules and procedures. Here we present the specifics of training and educating employees from generation Z.


Ambition to face the world

Just like all young people during any period in history, generation Z is characterised by its vigour and desire to do big things and make changes. According to Training Zone, you should motivate young employees by allowing them a growing amount of power and authority to make increasingly important decisions on their own. Have them lead increasingly large projects and do not kill their creativity by giving them too little room for manoeuvre.

Social thinking

The youngest generation often have strong ethic and social awareness. For them it is not just about money and success: people from generation Z also want to see (much more so than their older colleagues) that their work has a deeper meaning and brings something positive to the world. If you support their work with an interesting company philosophy or a deeper idea or vision, the younger employees will be much more motivated to give of their best because they want to carry some ideal or thought and have an impact or influence on their surroundings.

Modern IT and communication technologies

Young people are not only aware of the power of modern communication technology but are also able to use it effectively for their work. In terms of technology, therefore, the training of generation Z should correspond to the modern age. Ideally, such training should also feature some gamification because the young generation is quite competitive and, due to the influence of modern technologies, its attention span is short if information is not provided in an interesting or gamified manner.



Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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