Workplace well-being: designing a programme of physical and mental health

The current trend in HR and company culture is comfort of employees and quality of workplace. An increasing number of employees require and appreciate a workplace that functions on principles of ecology, sustainability, health and mental well-being. Employers also benefit from a quality workplace because the employees are more relaxed and effective at work, they do not succumb so much to stress and are at less risk of burnout. Here are some tips on simple ways to implement the principles of sustainable physical and mental well-being at your workplace.


Engaging everyone

According to HR Zone, it is above all necessary to make not only management but also regular employees enthusiastic about the idea, and engage everybody in the development and implementation of the suggested principles.

Various levels

Every person is at a different level of ecological and sustainable awareness: one person is more sensitive than another and you should not force those who are not interested to follow all the principles. Allow employees the possibility to become involved more or less, according to their preference, and offer various levels of workplace well-being.

Connection with the principles of the company

The new changes should reflect the priorities and internal principles of the company. Ideally they should be drawing on whatever it is your company is engaged in.

Noise issue

Pay great attention to noise. Many a workplace has too high noise levels that decrease significantly the ability of employees to concentrate and perform well.

Plants and design

Include more living plants at your workplace and adjust the design so that employees feel comfortable and calm.

Step-by-step implementation

Implement changes gradually. Do not expect to change the whole company at once. Discuss the issues with employees, analyse how the individual changes are doing, and consider the implementation of changes a long-term process.



Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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