Only two thirds of UK companies offer employees training and education

A recent British poll has shown that local companies, despite a shortage of available workers, still do not work hard enough on retaining and developing their current staff. According to the survey, one third of companies do not offer employees any kind of further schooling or training. Although this is in the context of Great Britain, the situation in the Czech Republic will be similar, if not even worse. Here we offer the results of the poll and a detailed view on the type of training companies prefer and in what areas.


Training as a benefit

HR Director, which quotes the results of the survey, says that although the vast majority of employees appreciate training options and, when job seeking, they prefer employers who do offer education, one third of companies offer neither training nor development. Meanwhile, in surveys on the most sought after benefits, training continues to occupy first place.

Areas of training

Companies that do offer training to employees most often focus on project management (41% of companies), communication skills (37%) and writing skills (33%).

In the following areas, companies most often offer their employees training and systematic education:

  • Finance (88%)
  • HR (82%)
  • Civil service (81%)
  • Law services (78%)
  • Accounting (77%)

Reasons for insufficient education

According to a survey quoted in the article, the most frequent reason mentioned for not offering training is a lack of resources in the budget (52%), or it not being a priority of company management (28%).

However, the survey also quotes stats clearly showing that investment in training of employees pays off in the long run by improving not only employees' expertise but also their loyalty and satisfaction. The newly acquired skills can then be used by employees to produce innovative ideas and modern solutions to any problems they might encounter.


Article source HR DIRECTOR - British website for HR directors and senior HR managers
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