Three tips on supporting departmental team spirit

Mutual trust, creativity and a feeling of togetherness. All this helps efficient work within a team. If the individual parts of the team do not cooperate properly, the given department or group cannot function well. Therefore, here are three tips on how to support team spirit long term within a department.


Regular and frequent communication

Relationships within a certain work group are similar to romantic relationships. Communication is the key: without it, misunderstandings and untold doubts appear and after some time these might cause the collapse of the given relationship. According to, it is necessary that individual team members communicate. Thus a proper set-up of efficient internal communication is the first step towards achieving togetherness. Regular meetings and brainstorming events are also necessary, where team members are motivated to talk to each other, sharing their views, ideas and notions. Any doubts, problems within the team or causes of dissatisfaction should be dealt with immediately, before they assume almost unsolvable proportions.

Team building

Team spirit and a sense of togetherness are best built on a basis of common experiences. Do not underestimate the emotional level of team work and keep in mind that people best find a mutual connection if they solve a problem together or share a strong emotional experience. This is why it is important to weld the work group together even outside the context of work. Organise team building activities, large or small. If needed, sacrifice half a day's work for everybody to become involved in these activities. In the long run, this approach will pay off.

Support of creativity

Working on shared projects, coming up with new ideas and experimenting are things that can help weld the team together into one unit. Prepare for your team such a working environment that supports healthy experimentation and provides (within certain limits) space for their own innovation and creativity. However, this step is only possible once you have a functioning system of internal communication and the roles of team members have been established. Then, give the team space to seek their own solutions to certain problems and projects, and support the creativity of its individual members.




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