Four essential traits of a modern leader

Modern times require modern leadership styles. As the work culture and expectations of employees change, company management must react appropriately and promote to leading functions the right kind of people who are sufficiently capable of motivating and leading their teams. Here are four necessary characteristics of a modern day leader.


Positive attitude

According to HR Zone, it is primarily the manager who has to spread a positive attitude and mood within the team. A modern manager is someone who sees solutions where others see only obstacles, someone who teaches others to learn from their mistakes and stay in a positive mindset. Unfortunately this trait is hard to learn: usually it needs to be innate for a person to become a good and motivational leader.


A modern leader cannot be an authoritative despot who only issues orders and forces others to accept their vision. Modern leadership styles are based more on dialogue, cooperation of the individual sections of the team and trust in the individual talent of employees. The modern manager must thus respect staff, listen to their opinions, take them into consideration and remain silent during meetings to hear what others say, not deliver a monologue about their own vision and opinions.

Embracing change

A good leader must welcome challenges. They must not let the team stagnate even for a second, even if stagnation and the status quo are often the easiest option. The modern manager must embrace change as a life credo, they must always keep moving forward with the team and seek new challenges in which the team can achieve success.


This often forgotten trait is an extremely important element in interpersonal relationships. Team members will work better and be more loyal if they have good relationships with the manager. And good relationships can only be based on honesty. So a leader should to a large extent be frank and thus gain the trust of employees, both on the work and personal levels.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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