Five steps towards removing gender inequality at your workplace

Despite all efforts, there are still gender-based differences in attitude towards employees at many companies. Gender inequality need not be obvious: often such discrimination is hidden and only shows up when a detailed analysis is carried out. This is why it often affects even seemingly modern companies, otherwise known for their innovative and egalitarian attitude. This article will describe five steps, thanks to which you may remove gender inequality at your workplace.


Step no. 1: Management as role model

According to, you must always start from the top. You can hardly inspire employees if they see management itself is not following the rules. Management must clearly define priorities in terms of gender equality and serve as a role model in achieving these.

Step no. 2: Data analysis

At the base of the fight against gender inequality there is a knowledge of big and small data. Make a detailed and complex analysis of the current situation that will show how you are doing and help reveal problems that are not obvious at first sight.

Step no. 3: Fight against prejudice in the hiring process

Even in the hiring process the rules must be set so that no gender is discriminated against. Go through the entire hiring system, analyse the individual steps and assess the behaviour of recruiters to ensure there is no prejudice in the hiring process.

Step no. 4: Systematic career advancement

One of the steps towards preventing gender inequality is making career advancement and financial rewards systematic so that these are independent of the decisions of the management, and everybody who meets certain criteria knows they can achieve advancement or better financial conditions.

Step no. 5: Safe space

Make sure your working environment is open to comments, discussions and debates about potential problems. Your employees should not be afraid to come forward if there is something they do not like.



Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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