Why to tell employees that they are high potentials?

Should employees who are considered as high potentials by their employers know about it? According to current research, most employers do not tell them. John Sullivan, world-renowned consultant in human resources management and current professor of management at San Francisco State University, decided to gather arguments for and against. He published these arguments in two articles on ere.net.

The second article summarizes the benefits of informing employees about their status of high potentials:

1. Information on the inclusion of employees to the list of high potentials, with shows that their employer counts on them for the future, increases motivation and commitment of employees.

2. It will help reduce the fear of employees about their working future in the challenging economic situation.

3. You can expect low turnover within high potentials.

4. Employee who knows about his high potential gains greater confidence and takes himself more seriously.

5. It will allow more targeted use of training resources for staff development.

6. It is easier to develop employees who know why this happens.

7. Keeping the names of employees with high potential in secret is very demanding.

8. Despite your efforts to the contrary, employees belonging to the group of high potentials probably know sbout it.

9. Openness reduces confusion about who should be a role model for others.

10. You will strengthen the awareness of values ​​and skills that the company requests from employees.

11. You will show that openness is a fundamental corporate value.

12. You will deflect speculations about secret selection of favoured employees and strengthen diversity.

13. You will strengthen confidence in management decisions.

14. You will avoid speculations from managers.

15. You will support managers in employee development.

16. You will iimprove the process of deciding on promotions.

17. You will target your efforts to keep employees more easily.

18. By regular updates to the list of employees with high potential, you will emphasize that  anyone can get there.

19. Customers and vendors who know that they work with high potentials will feel more care from your side.

20. You will improve your employers' brand.


Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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