Do your managers help their people to productivity?

Many organizations struggle with frustrated employees who feel binded by unnecessary rules and nonsupportive working environment. If they can get rid of the obstacles that hinder their performance, they can achieve not only better motivation but also better financial results. That requires strengthening of engagement while providing better conditions for work performance. summarized three steps to prevent frustration and loss of employee engagement.

1. Ensure that managers are responsible for removing obstacles in the work of their subordinates

Managers should identify what their people need to effectively do their jobs and give it to them.

2. Follow regular interviews on their performance

Performance evaluation once a year is not enough. Employees need to understand their impact on the cmpany operation in wider as well as immediate context.

3. Ensure that managers make their people's work more productive easier

Regardless of the complexity of current times it is still necessary to help employees achieve their goals. Possibility to work effectively is a prerequisite of engagement.


Article source Business Finance Magazine - corporate finance and risk management
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