Practical tips for corporate Christmas party without disaster

With the end of the year, company Christmas parties are approaching. Whatever kind of entertainment you choose, remember that it still is a "business" event which must be kept within particular borders. This is an annual task of HR staff. The basic rule is - no one should behave as he does not want to be remembered by others. How to avoid unnecessary inconvenience at the party?

Pay attention to the issue of alcohol

Some corporate cultures do not have problems with organizing non-alcoholic parties but  alcohol is being served on most parties. Therefore, all participants should be pre-advised to be careful with alcohol as well as possible legal consequences. It is also useful to offer a limited number of coupons to buy alcohol, pour just beer and wine, serve food just at the beginning of the event or get senior managers to lead by example and refrain from drinking alcohol.

Do not request mandatory participation

Employees should not feel required to have fun even if the party takes place in the workplace. Some of them may not celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, others may not be like collective celebrations at all.

Talk to managers

Call on their sense of responsibility and explain other reasons why they should attend the party. At least, they can learn more about their people in a relaxed atmosphere. Professionalism, however, should always be maintained.

Define acceptable entertainment

This applies, for example, to jokes and speeches.

Do not distribute bonuses at the party

If all participant are not to be awarded with an eaqual bonus, distribution of bonuses at the party is not a good idea.

Define the time of the party

When you clearly specify that your company holds the party between 6 to 10 p.m., you will not be responsible for employees behaviour in the later hours.


Article source - newsletter articles from various fields
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