4 mistakes of performance management


Performance management helps organizations to effectively achieve their goals via individual employees and work teams. It is, however, not only management but approach to people based on cooperation which also gives them personal responsibility over their careers.

What is to be avoided in performance management? Most serious myths about performance management were published by tlnt.com.

Feedback is only a matter of annual performance evaluations

Providing feedback - both positive and negative - should be continuous and fast.

Performance targets are set at the beginning of the year or quarter and remain unchanged

One of the most important prerequisites of successful performance management is the ability to adapt to current events and needs.

Performance management applies only to managers

Organizations should be open to sharing ideas and encourage responsibility for career development in all its employees regardless of their position in the corporate hierarchy.

Performance management refers only to the individuals

It is not just a matter between a manager and a subordinate. Performance management should take into account all working teams.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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